Need a good night's sleep? Try the new Slumberdown Anti Snore pillow

Slumberdown's Anti Snore pillowSlumberdown's Anti Snore pillow
Slumberdown's Anti Snore pillow
Snoring is a huge problem that results in one in three couples in the UK opting to sleep alone to get a better night's sleep. Are you one of them?

If so, fear not as there are several snoring aids out there to help tackle the problem!

The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association recently celebrated its annual National Stop Snoring Week by teaming up with the bedding experts, Slumberdown and its Anti Snore pillows.

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The Anti Snore pillow is designed with an ‘S’ shaped inner foam core, which helps encourage better breathing by supporting the head and neck.

The snuggly hollowfibre filling creates soft and super-comfy orthopaedic support.

The 100 per cent natural cotton cover is delicate and cool to touch, plus it’s great at naturally regulating body temperature throughout the night.

Slumberdown has also given us its top tips on how to reduce snoring:

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“Try sleeping on your side and get some feedback from your partner as to which side is your quieter side.

“Avoid drinking too much alcohol, taking sleeping pills or anti-histamines as these will cause your muscles to relax and limit your air passage.

“Avoid a big meal just before bed as this will push on your diaphragm when you lie down and limit breathing. Dairy products can also cause a build-up of mucus which won't help.

“It’s also worth trying anti-snoring products such as sprays, mandibular devices, electronic buzzers, nasal strips/dialators and humidifiers to help reduce congestion. Not all of them work for everyone though, so you’ll need to experiment to see which one works best for you.”

Slumberdown’s Anti Snore pillow is available online and instore now at Matalan.